Tennessee Hereford Marketing Program
Wednesday, April 23, 2025 - Columbia Livestock Center in Columbia, TN

Since its inception in 1999 the Tennessee Hereford Marketing Program serves as a model for states across the country for utilizing Hereford genetics in a niche feeder calf market. The bi-annual sale (in April and November) hosted by Tennessee Livestock Producers in Columbia, provides southeast Hereford producers an opportunity to capitalize on assembling loads of healthy and feed lot ready animals at a premium.
This sale encourages a protocol of 45 day weaning, use of a non-generic wormer and an option of 2 vaccination programs that include one round of shots at weaning and another 14-28 days. Data shows that steers that participate in this program receive a 20% premium over regular weekly auctions.
THMP Health Protocol based on 45 Day Weaning
Option 1
1st Shot - Weaning 2nd Shot- Post Weaning
(or shortly after weaning) (14-28 days after 1st shot)
Express 5 HS Express 5 HS
Presponse HM Alpha 7 or Alpha 7MB-1
*Approved De-Wormer
Option 2
1st Shot - Weaning 2nd Shot- Post Weaning
(or shortly after weaning) (14-28 days after 1st shot)
Pyramid 5 + Presponse SQ Pyramid 5
Bar Vac 7 w/ Somnus Bar Vac 7 w/ Somnus
*Approved De-Wormer
*Long Range, Eprinex, or Ivomec Plus. NO GENERIC DE-WORMERS
All HEIFERS are REQUIRED to have a shot of Lutalyse or Synchsure on second working.
Record name of vaccine used, the lot number on bottle, and date administered to be turned in by sale day on TLP form. Contact Susan Parks (931-433-3962 or sparks@uproducers.com) to request ear tags and forms.
For more information, view the Health Protocol document linked below.
Consignment Procedures for 2025 THMP Sale
Fill out Health Records From as you give vaccines.
Calves must be tagged on the farm with Hereford Tags.
Correct Hereford tag placement is in the calf's left ear or opposite of farm tag.
Please not the same ear with another tag​
Deliver cattle on Tuesday afternoon prior to the sale, or before 10:00am on sale day
To order tags, contact Susan Parks at
Phone: 931-433-4962 (during normal business hours)
Email: sparks@uproducers.com​
Return all paperwork by April 14, 2025 to:
United Producers, INC
Attn: Susan Parks
PO Box 42
Fayetteville, TN 37334
or fax to - 931-433-4124