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The Tennessee Hereford Association
The Tennessee Hereford Association was formed in March of 2014 by merging the Tennessee Polled Hereford Association and the Volunteer Hereford Association. The Association strives to provide its Hereford cattle breeders with marketing and educational opportunities while promoting the Hereford breed to purebred and commercial producers.
THA Board of Directors:
Wes Ashe, Claude Callicott, Meredith Collins, Tom Cooper, Russell Crouch, Jason Day, Stan East, Josh Mansfield, Emily Martin Pope, Mike Rogan, Eric Walker, and Sally Wingler.

Josh Mansfield, President

Claude Callicott, Vice -Pres.

Kay Coley, Secretary-Treasurer
THA Officers & Board of Directors

Secretary / Treasurer - Kay Coley
140 Morgan Rd, Lafayette, TN 37083
Cell: (615) 804-7843
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